Monday 23 June 2014

A Simple Maintenance Job on your Domestic Fridge

  Video 1. Simple maintenance step to regularly clean your fridge.

In this video, our local resident fridge mechanic Rob, is called in to fix a domestic fridge. What he recommends is to do every 6 months, to clean the outside of your fridge unit. This is the warm area at the bottom back of your fridge, sometimes there is a front and back opening where you need to clean the outside grille.

The condensing unit causes this grille area to capture fine dust and they stick like glue to the grille. Once this area is covered in dust, the fridge will be forced to produce more power to condense. It is like you trying to breathe when your surrounded by smoke fumes. Your lungs, like the fridge compressor unit, will be trying to breathe out from all that smoke. So you can imagine the damage the dust can do to your fridge, if not attended to! More importantly, it could also save you a lot of headaches and money, because eventually the other parts of your fridge would breakdown.

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